Адреса и телефоны касс

Arshan village Irkutsk Listvyanka

Irkutsk region


Irkutsk Bus Station

Here you can purchase tickets for all schedules stopping at the Bus Station in Irkutsk and make a refund

Address: Irkutsk, Oktyabrskoi Revolutsii st., 11

Working hours: from 05:30 till 22:00, cashier desks: from 07:30 till 20:00 (everyday)

Booking: 8-950-113-55-55 (working hours: from 8:00 till 20:00)

Phone: 500-366

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Bus ticket office in Listvyanka village

Here you can purchase tickets for all flights passing through Listvyanka, and return for relevant flights

Address: Listvyanka, st. Gorky, 4a

Ticket office hours: daily from 10:00 to 18:00

Buryatia republic

Arshan village

Bus ticket office in Arshan

Here you can buy tickets for all flights passing through Arshan

Address: st. Traktovaya 3 "a"

Ticket office hours: from 09:00 to 17:00 (daily), lunch from 12:00 to 13:00


Автовокзал-Онлайн для
Ваши билеты теперь и в вашем телефоне